Director: Anders Hazelius
“Forever,” directed by Anders Hazelius, explores the dynamic between best friends Mila and Kia as they encounter a new football coach, Lollo. The arrival of the dedicated and hard-working coach leads to a gradual drift between the two friends. Mila, harboring dreams of becoming a professional footballer, sees an opportunity for success but faces the dilemma of potentially sacrificing her friendship with Kia. Anders Hazelius’s direction likely weaves a compelling narrative that delves into themes of ambition, friendship, and the challenges of pursuing individual goals while maintaining close connections. “Forever” promises to be a poignant and relatable exploration of the complexities within relationships and personal aspirations.
Release Date | 7 July 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 45m |
ForeverĀ (2023) Subtitles