Goodbye Christopher Robin (2017) – English Subtitles Download

The British biographical drama film is directed by Simon Curtis and is based on the lives of Winnie the Pooh’s creates A. A Milne and his family. The movie features Domhnall Gleeson, Will Tilston, Margot Robbie, and Kelly Macdonald. 

The movie is based on the post first world war world, A. A Milne leaves London and starts living with his family in the countryside. He starts spinning yarns and there he creates “Winnie-the-Pooh” and “The House at Pooh Corner,”. It becomes one of the most loved stories in England and provides comfort to war traumatized people.

Release date29 September 2017
Language English
Running time107 minutes
File typeSRT (Zip file)
Goodbye Christopher Robin Subtitles Download