Haunted Ulster Live (2023), directed by Dominic O’Neill, is a spooky Halloween night adventure that blends supernatural chills with a touch of humor. Gerry Burns, a seasoned paranormal investigator, pairs up with Michelle Kelly, a beloved children’s TV presenter, to explore a notorious haunted house in Belfast. As the duo investigates reports of poltergeist activity for a live television broadcast, eerie and inexplicable events escalate, testing their bravery and unraveling dark secrets hidden within the house’s walls. This film delivers suspense, scares, and unexpected twists in a unique blend of horror and live-TV satire.
Release Date | October 8, 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 20m |
Haunted Ulster Live (2023) Subtitles