Heartless (2023) English Subtitle Download

Heartless (2023), directed by Nara Normande and Tião, is a poignant coming-of-age drama set against the lush coastal backdrop of Alagoas in the summer of 1996. Tamara, a young woman preparing to leave her small village for Brasília, experiences a transformative final summer at home. She becomes captivated by a mysterious and enigmatic girl known as “Heartless.” Their growing connection leads Tamara to confront questions about identity, longing, and change. As the summer unfolds, this fleeting yet intense relationship challenges Tamara’s understanding of herself and her future. The film beautifully captures the bittersweet emotions of love and departure.

Release Date5 September 2023
File TypeSRT (Zip File)
Duration1h 32m

Heartless (2023) Subtitles