Director: Yoshihiro Fukagawa
Synopsis: Three ambitious law students—Kiyoshi, Mirei, and Kaoru—find their promising futures jeopardized when anonymous accusations surface against them in the form of mysterious leaflets. Determined to clear their names, they delve into the source of these allegations, only to encounter a series of unsettling events that blur the line between coincidence and conspiracy. As they unravel the layers of deception, the trio discovers secrets that challenge their trust in each other and force them to confront their own moral boundaries. Houtei Yugi is a gripping legal mystery filled with twists, tension, and revelations that lead to an unexpected conclusion.
Release Date | November 10, 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 37m |
Houtei Yugi (2023) Subtitles