Directed by Jayan Moodley, “Kandasamys: The Baby” intricately weaves a heartwarming narrative that follows the journey of two Indian families. Despite their amusing mistakes and the tumultuous moments they face along the way, these families must traverse a path towards mutual understanding and harmony. Bound by the affection shared between their children, the families are brought together in the midst of their differences. The film presents a delightful and relatable exploration of familial dynamics, blending humor and heartfelt moments as they navigate through the challenges, laughter, and mishaps, ultimately discovering the profound connections that unite them. “Kandasamys: The Baby” celebrates the strength of family ties amidst the humorous yet endearing chaos encountered on their shared journey.
Release Date | 20 October 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 33m |
Kandasamys: The Baby (2023) Subtitles