Director: Daichi Murase
Kiri no Fuchi (2023) unfolds in a tranquil village, once bustling with hikers and dotted with shops and inns, now facing decline. Ihika, a 12-year-old born into a family that has operated an inn for generations, observes her family’s struggles firsthand. Her mother, Saki, who married into the family, manages the inn alongside Shige, her father-in-law. When Shige mysteriously vanishes, the family is left in disarray, and the inn’s future hangs by a thread. As they navigate the uncertainties, Ihika and her family confront an inevitable period of transformation, marked by loss and resilience.
Release Date | July 31, 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 23m |
Kiri no fuchi (2023) Subtitles