Director: Bren Foster
In “Life After Fighting,” a dedicated martial arts instructor finds his peaceful routine shattered when two of his students mysteriously disappear. Determined to uncover the truth and bring them home safely, he embarks on a relentless quest that plunges him into the dark and dangerous world of international child trafficking. With each step closer to the truth, the instructor faces increasing peril, forcing him to draw upon his martial arts skills and inner strength. As he confronts ruthless traffickers and unravels a complex web of corruption and deceit, he discovers the depths of his resolve and the lengths he will go to protect the innocent. “Life After Fighting” is a gripping tale of courage, justice, and the enduring fight against evil.
Release Date | June 7, 2024 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 2h 6m |
Life After Fighting (2024) Subtitles