“Maxine’s Baby: The Tyler Perry Story” is a compelling cinematic journey directed by Gelila Bekele and Armani Ortiz that unveils the intimate portrait of Tyler Perry. The film delves into Perry’s remarkable and often challenging ascent to the pinnacle of an industry that initially marginalized him. With Gelila Bekele and Armani Ortiz at the helm, the directors skillfully navigate through the harrowing but faithful road Perry traveled on his way to the top. Through this poignant narrative, the audience is offered a glimpse into the perseverance and tenacity that defined Perry’s career, shedding light on the struggles he faced in an industry that did not always include him. The film promises to be a riveting exploration of Tyler Perry’s life, providing an in-depth perspective on the man behind the success and the unwavering determination that propelled him to become a prominent figure in the entertainment world.
Release Date | 17 Nov 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 55m |
Maxine’s Baby: The Tyler Perry Story (2023) Subtitles