“Miguel Wants to Fight,” directed by Oz Rodriguez, promises to be a hilarious and heartwarming coming-of-age comedy. The film centers around a 17-year-old named Miguel who, on the brink of moving to a new city, decides he wants to experience his first fight. In a lighthearted narrative, Miguel enlists the help of his three best friends to embark on this unconventional rite of passage.
Under Oz Rodriguez’s direction, the film is likely to showcase a mix of humor, friendship, and the awkwardness that often accompanies teenage adventures. Rodriguez is known for his comedic sensibilities, and “Miguel Wants to Fight” is expected to deliver a unique take on the classic coming-of-age story. Audiences can anticipate an entertaining exploration of friendship, self-discovery, and the amusing escapades that make adolescence memorable.
Release Date | August 16 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 15m |
ForeverĀ (2023) Subtitles