“Mike Birbiglia: The Old Man and the Pool” is a comedic and introspective venture directed by Seth Barrish. Renowned comedian Mike Birbiglia takes center stage, infusing his distinctive blend of humor and pathos into a narrative that explores the profound themes of health, life, death, and the seemingly mundane yet profound act of swimming.
Under Seth Barrish’s direction, the film is likely to capture Birbiglia’s comedic storytelling with a nuanced touch. Barrish, known for his work in theater and directing, is expected to bring a dynamic visual and narrative flair to complement Birbiglia’s wit. “The Old Man and the Pool” promises to be a thought-provoking and entertaining exploration of the human experience, skillfully blending laughter and contemplation as it navigates the intricacies of existence and the unexpected profundity found in the simplicity of activities like swimming.
Release Date | November 21 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 17m |
Mike Birbiglia: The Old Man and the Pool (2023) Subtitles