“Mother’s Day,” directed by Mateusz Rakowicz, unfolds a gripping narrative centered around former special agent Nina. The story takes a dramatic turn when the son she’s never known gets kidnapped, prompting Nina to dust off her deadly skills and embark on a relentless mission to bring him home. The film promises a high-stakes and action-packed journey as Nina confronts formidable obstacles to rescue her kidnapped son, showcasing her determination and lethal abilities.
Under Mateusz Rakowicz’s direction, “Mother’s Day” is likely to deliver intense and visually striking sequences, capturing the suspense and emotional depth of a mother’s quest for her child. Rakowicz’s directorial style may infuse the film with a combination of thrilling action and poignant moments, creating a compelling cinematic experience that explores themes of family, sacrifice, and the lengths a mother will go to protect her own.
Release Date | 24 May 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 34m |
Mother’s Day (2023) Subtitles