“My Professor’s Guide to Murder,” directed by Haylie Duff, weaves a compelling narrative around Ashley, a creative writing graduate student on the cusp of graduating. The story takes an intriguing turn when Miles Blake, a celebrity murder mystery writer, arrives at her university to teach. Assigned to be his teaching assistant, Ashley and Miles develop a unique and complex friendship.
Under Haylie Duff’s direction, the film is likely to explore themes of mystery, friendship, and the dynamics between mentor and mentee. Duff may bring a blend of drama, suspense, and character-driven storytelling to create an engaging and thought-provoking cinematic experience. “My Professor’s Guide to Murder” promises to be a captivating tale with layers of intrigue and the exploration of relationships in an academic setting.
Release Date | 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 45m |
My Professor’s Guide to Murder (2023) Subtitles