“Nightbird,” directed by Lawrence Fajardo, portrays a harrowing narrative that unfolds during a party arranged by friends. Rachel encounters four men, and the night, filled with alcohol and drugs, takes a dark turn when the men sexually assault Rachel and her friends. In the aftermath, Rachel vows to seek vengeance, regardless of the challenges she faces.
Under Lawrence Fajardo’s direction, the film is likely to tackle themes of trauma, justice, and empowerment. Fajardo may bring a raw and intense storytelling style to capture the emotional journey of the protagonist as she confronts the aftermath of the assault and seeks retribution. “Nightbird” promises to be a powerful and impactful exploration of resilience and the pursuit of justice in the face of trauma.
Release Date | January 13 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 37m |
Nightbird (2023) Subtitles