In “See You on Venus,” directed by Joaquín Llamas, the story revolves around Mia and Kyle, two American teenagers who don’t quite fit in with the norm. Their journey takes them to Spain, where Mia is on a quest to find her birth mother. Against the backdrop of the beautiful Spanish landscape, Mia and Kyle’s paths cross, leading to a blossoming romance. The film likely explores themes of love, self-discovery, and the challenges faced by these misfit teenagers as they navigate their way through a foreign country while searching for Mia’s roots. The unique setting of Spain adds a cultural and picturesque dimension to their coming-of-age story.
Release Date | Nov. 17 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 2h 12m |
See You on Venus (2023) Subtitles