“Six in the City” unfolds as a heartwarming yet tumultuous tale of friendship and camaraderie. Directed by Star Mphahlele, the film follows a man whose once-promising romance takes a disastrous turn, prompting his five loyal friends to rally around him in an attempt to lift his spirits. However, their well-intentioned efforts quickly unravel as unresolved grievances from the past resurface, threatening to overshadow their reunion. With Mphahlele at the helm, “Six in the City” promises to deliver a poignant and humorous exploration of the complexities of relationships, forgiveness, and the enduring bonds of friendship in the face of adversity.
Release Date | May 5 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 30m |
Six in the City (2023) Subtitles