Miles Morales, a bright Brooklyn teen struggling to find his place in the world while balancing school and family, reluctantly enrolls in a prestigious New York City boarding school. Miles explores a whole new world concealed in an abandoned NYC subway tunnel while grappling with his new duties, only to be bitten by a stealthy radioactive arachnid from another dimension. Miles is stunned to find that life has become much more complicated, unbeknownst to him that he is about to become trapped in the middle of a terrible inter-dimensional war, just like the original Spider-Man (2002). Miles, young and inexperienced, has no choice but to master his newfound abilities as the fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance, despite his belief that not everyone is cut out to be a hero. However, a hero isn’t always the victor. It’s the guy who is still attempting. Is Miles willing to take a gamble to become Spider-Man?
Release Date | December 14, 2018 (United States) |
Language | English |
Running time | 117minutes |
File type | SRT (zip file) |