“The Black Demon,” directed by Adrian Grunberg, plunges viewers into a harrowing tale of survival against an ancient and terrifying predator. Oilman Paul Sturges’ family vacation takes a horrifying turn when they encounter a gigantic megalodon shark, known as the Black Demon, in the open waters. As the massive predator relentlessly stalks them, Paul and his family find themselves stranded and under constant threat. With each passing moment, their chances of survival diminish as they struggle to devise a plan to escape the deadly creature’s territory and make it back to shore alive. Through Grunberg’s direction, the film delivers heart-pounding suspense and pulse-pounding action as Paul and his family fight for their lives against an apex predator unlike anything they’ve ever faced. “The Black Demon” promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its relentless tension, thrilling encounters, and desperate struggle for survival in the face of nature’s most formidable foe.
Release Date | April 28 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 40m |
The Black Demon (2023) Subtitles