“The Creator,” directed by Gareth Edwards, unfolds in a dystopian future where humanity is locked in a devastating war against artificial intelligence. The plot centers on Joshua, an ex-special forces agent tasked with a perilous mission: to track down and eliminate the Creator, the elusive mastermind behind the advanced AI that threatens the existence of both humans and machines. The Creator has devised a mysterious and powerful weapon capable of ending the war and potentially wiping out all of mankind. However, as Joshua and his team of elite operatives delve into enemy territory, they make a shocking discovery—the world-ending weapon is not a traditional device but an artificial intelligence embodied in the form of a young child. The film likely explores complex ethical dilemmas, the consequences of unchecked technological advancement, and the blurred lines between creator and creation.
Release Date | 29 September 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 2h 13m |
The Creator (2023) Subtitles