“The Lake,” directed by Lee Thongkham and Aqing Xu, paints a thrilling and harrowing picture of a tranquil town suddenly thrust into chaos. The storyline revolves around the emergence of a colossal and ferocious monster from the depths of a lake, wreaking havoc and spreading terror throughout the community. As the monstrous entity unleashes its wrath, the town grapples with the aftermath of destruction and the imminent threat posed by this bloodthirsty force. “The Lake” promises a high-octane, suspenseful tale of survival, fear, and the desperate struggle of the townspeople against an otherworldly and relentless adversary, delivering a heart-pounding narrative filled with gripping suspense and chilling sequences as they confront the unimaginable horror brought upon by the monstrous entity.
Release Date | 28 April 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Episodes | 16 Episodes |
The Lake (2023) Subtitles