The Runaways (2010) – English Subtitles Download

The American biographical drama film is written and directed by Floria Sigismondi. The movie is based on Cherie Currie’s book ‘Neon Angel: A Memoir of a Runaway. The movie features Dakota Fanning, Kristen Stewart, Michael Shannon, Riley Keough, Stella Maeve, Scout Taylor-Compton, Johnny Lewis, Aia Shawkat, Hannah Marks, Keir O’Donnell, Keir O’Donnell, Tatum O’Neal, and Brett Cullen. 

Two rebellious teenagers Joan Jett and Cherie Currie from Southern California paved the way for the future generation of female rockers. 

Release date19 March 2010
Language English
Running time 106 minutes
File type SRT (Zip file)
The Runaways Subtitles Download