Director: Junaid Syed
Genre: Science Fiction, Adventure, Thriller
“War of the Worlds: The Attack” follows the thrilling adventures of three young astronomers who find themselves at the forefront of a deadly Martian invasion. As the Martians launch a relentless attack on Earth, the trio must use their knowledge and skills to survive and fight back against the technologically superior extraterrestrial invaders. With humanity’s fate hanging in the balance, their courage and ingenuity are put to the ultimate test. Directed by Junaid Syed, this modern take on H.G. Wells’ classic tale combines intense action, suspense, and the spirit of discovery in a gripping battle for survival.
Release Date | 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 25m |
War of the Worlds: The Attack (2023) Subtitles