“Bakuman.” is a 2015 Japanese live-action film adaptation of the popular manga and anime series “Bakuman” created by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata. The film is directed by Hitoshi Ōne.
The story follows Moritaka Mashiro (played by Takeru Satoh) and Akito Takagi (played by Ryunosuke Kamiki), two high school students who aspire to become successful manga artists. After a series of events, they decide to team up and work together to achieve their dream of creating a popular manga series that will be adapted into an anime.
The film captures Moritaka and Akito’s journey as they navigate the challenges of the manga industry, face competition, deal with editors, and work tirelessly to improve their skills and storytelling. The story also delves into their personal lives, friendships, and the sacrifices they make in pursuit of their dreams.
Release Date | 3 October 2015 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 2h |