“Kamikaze Girls,” also known as “Shimotsuma Monogatari,” is a 2004 Japanese comedy film Directed by Tetsuya Nakashima. The movie stars Kyoko Fukada and Anna Tsuchiya in the lead roles.
The film revolves around the unlikely friendship between two very different teenage girls. Momoko, a daydreaming and fashion-obsessed ‘Lolita,’ is enamored with rococo-era aesthetics and high-end clothing brands. On the other hand, Ichigo, a tough and rebellious ‘Yanki,’ is involved in biker gangs and is not interested in conventional femininity.
The film portrays themes of individuality, acceptance, and finding true friendship. It celebrates the uniqueness of each character and challenges traditional gender roles and societal expectations.
Release Date | 29 May, 2004 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 1h 42m |