“Kiseki” is a 2011 Japanese drama film Directed by Hiroshi Sugawara. The movie is also known as “I Wish” in some regions. The film explores themes of family, childhood dreams, and the power of hope and wishes.
The story revolves around two young brothers, Koichi (played by Koki Maeda) and Ryunosuke (played by Oshiro Maeda), who live apart from each other after their parents’ divorce. Koichi lives with his mother in Kagoshima, while Ryunosuke lives with his father in Fukuoka. The brothers dream of reuniting their family, and when they hear a rumor that a new bullet train’s inaugural run will create a miracle, they hatch a plan to make their wishes come true.
Release Date | 11 June 2011 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 2h 8m |