“The Great Yokai War” is a 2005 Japanese fantasy film Directed by Takashi Miike. The movie is inspired by the traditional Japanese folklore about yokai, which are supernatural creatures, spirits, and monsters.
The story centers around a young boy named Tadashi Ino (played by Ryunosuke Kamiki), who is chosen to be the “Kirin Rider” and is tasked with saving the world from an impending yokai invasion. Tadashi’s journey begins when he stumbles upon a small yokai named Sunekosuri and becomes entangled in a magical world where yokai exist.
As Tadashi explores this fantastical realm, he encounters a diverse group of yokai, each with their own unique abilities and personalities. Some yokai are friendly and helpful, while others are mischievous and dangerous. They all have their reasons for participating in the impending war.
Tadashi’s courage and determination are put to the test as he embarks on a mission to unite the yokai and stop the malevolent yokai leader, Agi (played by Bunta Sugawara), from unleashing chaos upon the human world.
Release Date | 6 August 2005 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 2h 4m |