“Veteran” (Korean: “베테랑”) is a 2015 South Korean action comedy film directed by Ryoo Seung-wan. The movie is known for its blend of action, humor, and social commentary, as well as its exploration of corruption and abuse of power.
The story follows Detective Seo Do-cheol (played by Hwang Jung-min), a dedicated and righteous police officer who becomes determined to bring down Jo Tae-oh (played by Yoo Ah-in), the arrogant and wealthy heir of a powerful conglomerate. As Seo investigates Jo’s criminal activities, he uncovers a web of corruption, exploitation, and abuse of power that extends far beyond what he initially anticipated.
Release Date | 5 August 2015 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 2h 3m |