“Hell’s Paradise,” created by Yuji Kaku and featuring Chiaki Kobayashi, Yumiri Hanamori, and Marisa Duran, follows a squad consisting of prisoners and their guards who embark on a mission to explore an enigmatic island. However, circumstances take a drastic turn as they become stranded on the island, leading to an intense struggle for survival. Encountering mysterious and monstrous inhabitants on the island, the group must forge unlikely alliances and rely on each other to confront the island’s perilous and inexplicable challenges. The series seems poised to delve into themes of cooperation, survival, and the unanticipated bonds formed in the face of adversity in an otherworldly and dangerous environment.
Release Date | April 1, 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Episodes | 13 Episodes |
Hell’s Paradise (2023) Subtitles