Directed by Elisa Miller, “Hurricane Season” unfolds a gripping narrative when a group of teenagers stumbles upon a grim discovery—a corpse floating in a canal. The chilling revelation serves as the catalyst for exposing the town’s concealed secrets, unearthing a web of darkness beneath its seemingly tranquil surface. As the investigation delves deeper into the crime, the harsh realities behind the perverse act slowly come to light, unravelling a tapestry of hidden truths, buried scandals, and unspoken truths. “Hurricane Season” promises a riveting and suspenseful storyline that explores the complexities of a community’s hidden underbelly, revealing the tangled web of deception and unveiling the haunting realities beneath the town’s facade.
Release Date | November 1, 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 1h 39m |
Hurricane Season (2023) Subtitles