“I Woke Up a Vampire,” created by Tommy Lynch and starring Niko Ceci, Zebastin Borjeau, and Ana Araujo, follows the story of Carmie. On her 13th birthday, she unravels a life-altering revelation—she’s not entirely human but a hybrid, part human and part vampire. This discovery ushers in a newfound understanding of her identity, accompanied by mythical powers that significantly complicate her experiences in middle school. The series likely delves into the challenges of adolescence, identity, and navigating the complexities of both the human and vampire realms, offering a blend of supernatural elements and the relatable struggles of growing up during the formative years of middle school.
Release Date | October 17th, 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Episodes | 8 Episodes |
I Woke Up a Vampire (2023) Subtitles