Friends Season 4 (1997) Tv series – English subtitles download

Rachel, who left her fiancĂ©e at the deck on her marriage form day, has come to New York and ends up abiding with Monica. It establishes in the season that Ross has been fascinated with Rachel when you reflect on the consideration that the two characters attended high academe. Several circumstances revolve around his passes to inform her how he feels. Meanwhile, Ross’s estranged lesbian mate Carol is pregnant with his baby. This locale him and Carol’s lesbian actuality mate, Susan, in an awkward position.

When the toddler is born at the giving up of the season, Ross, Carol, and Susan agree to identify him Ben after an identity marker on a janitor’s outfit wornthroughPhoebe.At the top of the season, Ross leaves for an archconservative dig in China, still, when Chandler lets it slip about Ross’s persisting with heartstrings for Rachel on her birthday, she’s shocked;

Release Date25 September 1997
Running time22-23mins
File typeSRT (Zip file)
Friends Season 4 (1997) Subtitles