Change is coming in Washington, D. C. A new president named Garrett Walker (Michael Gill) has been appointed and alternatively, of being rewarded with Secretary of State, Democratic House Majority Whip Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) is handed over to keep Underwood’s energy in Congress. Now, Underwood is secretly out for blood and he has assistance from his environmental activist wife Claire Underwood (Robin Wright). Now, Frank must raise the military and begins to recruit allies in his fight. When a young reporter for the Washington Post named Zoe Barnes (Kate Mara) comes to Frank to become an informant for her, Frank decides she can be used to him in sabotaging the President’s education bill. A teenager dying in Frank’s district forces Frank to take away attention from the training consignment all through an importing union meeting and head home.
Release Date | 1 February 2013 |
Language | English |
Running time | 42–60 mins |
File type | SRT (File type) |