Money heist {La Casa De Papel} (Season-4) – English subtitles download

In Money Heist Season 4, Angel was liked by Detective Rachel Murillo. But she was in a relationship with Professor Elle, so the detective was not interested in him. The plot of Don Heist season 4 is that Denver is in love with the bank’s secretary, Monica Gaston Bidet. But she only falls in love with Arturo in the bank and is pregnant. But she goes to Denver and he takes her and the baby. Money Heist At the end of Season 4, Gandía takes to release and Nairobi hostage. He then tortures her to make it appear as if she is handing her in return for Gandhi’s baby’s freedom in episode 6, then takes her with a gun and shoots her head. 

Release Date3 April 2020
Running time41-59mins
File typeSRT(Zip file)
Money heist(Season-4)(2020) Subtitles