“Lady Voyeur,” created by Marcela Citterio and starring Débora Nascimento, Emanuelle Araújo, and Nikolas Antunes, centers around Miranda, an adept hacker with an insatiable voyeuristic nature. Miranda’s life takes a significant turn when she encounters the man she believes to be the embodiment of her dreams. However, the series appears to pose a compelling question: as Miranda ventures into a relationship with this seemingly perfect man, will he live up to her expectations or reveal unexpected truths that challenge her perception of the ideal partner? The narrative seems poised to explore the complexities of human relationships and the intricacies of romantic entanglements from the perspective of a character with a unique set of skills and inclinations.
Release Date | January 1, 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Episodes | 10 Episodes |
Lady Voyeur (2023) Subtitles