Marine (the self-inflicted moniker of the Marines) follows “Swoff,” a third-age enlistee, from a calming spell in training camp to well-trained, donning a sharpshooter’s rifle and 100-pound ruck on his back through the Middle East deserts with no cover from unbearable warmth or from Iraqi fighters, in every case possibly right throughout the following skyline. Swoff and his kindred Marines support themselves with cynical humankind and devilish parody on blasting desert fields in a country they don’t comprehend against a foe they can’t see for a reason they don’t completely understand… Sergeant Sykes is a Marine lifer who heads up Swofford’s scout/expert rifleman detachment, while Troy is Swoff’s companion and coach, a fanatic individual from STA – their first-class Marine Unit.
Release Date | November 4, 2005 (United States) |
Language | English |
Running time | 123minutes |
File type | SRT (zip file) |