Colorful (2010) – English Subtitles Download

The Japanese animated feature film is based on Keiichi Hara. The movie is based on Eto Mori’s novel by the same name. The movie features the voices of Kazato Tomizawa, Jingi Irie, Akina Minami, Aoi Miyazaki, Akiyoshi Nakao, Kumiko Aso, Katsumi Takahashi, Michael Murakami, Keiji Fujiwara, Manatsu Hayashi, Hideyuki Tanaka. 

A dejected soul reaches the death station and is told that he is lucky and will be sent back. The soul goes to Makoto’s body a fourteen-year-old boy who has just commented suicide by pills overdose. The soul is sent with the purpose of finding out what greater sins he committed in his previous life within a span of six months. 

Release date21 August 2010
Langauge English
Running time127 minutes
File typeSRT (Zip file)
\Colorful Subtitles Download