“Dragon Ball Super: Broly” is a 2018 Japanese animated action film based on the popular “Dragon Ball” franchise created by Akira Toriyama. The movie is directed by Tatsuya Nagamine and is part of the “Dragon Ball Super” series.
The film introduces Broly, a powerful Saiyan warrior who was exiled to a desolate planet as an infant due to his uncontrollable power. In the present, Broly is discovered and recruited by Frieza, the primary antagonist, to confront Goku and Vegeta.
As the story unfolds, the film explores the origins of Broly and his connection to Goku and Vegeta. The Saiyan warriors find themselves facing a formidable foe as Broly’s power proves to be immense, pushing them to their limits. Throughout the movie, epic battles and intense action sequences take place, showcasing the signature fighting style of the “Dragon Ball” series.
Release Date | 14 December, 2018 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 1h 40m |