The anime science fiction anthology film is written and directed by Rintaro, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, and Katsuhiro Otomo and is based on Taku Mayumura’s short stories ‘Meikyū Monogatari’. The movie features the voices of Yu Mizushima, Hiroshi takes, Banjo Ginga, Hideko Yoshida, Msane Tsukayama, Robert Axelrod, Jeff Winkless, Michael McConnohie, and Cheryl Chase.
Sachi in the game of hiding and seek gets locked with him at Cicerone. To find a way out she finds an old longcase clock that has a double doorway that opens in a labyrinth world.
Release date | 15 April 1989 |
Language | English |
Running time | 50 minutes |
File type | SRT (Zip file) |