Last Knights (2015) – English Subtitles Download

The action drama film is directed by Kazuaki Kiriya. The movie features Clive Owen, Cliff Curtis, Aksel Hennie, Peyman Moaadi, Ayelet Zurer, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Ahn Sung-ki, and Morgan Freeman. 

Raiden a swordsman sees. Father figure in his mentor Lord Bartok. His mentor is a man of his principles and that makes him being admired by his students. Life takes a turn for Raiden when Lord Bartok dies for his principles leaving alone Raiden burins in vengeance. He then goes go to create a small army of warriors against the sadistic ruler who is responsible for Lord Bartok’s death.

Release date3 April 2015
Language English
Running time 115 minutes
File type SRT (Zip file)
Last Knights Subtitles Download