“Sukiyaki Western Django” is a 2007 Japanese Western film Written and Directed by Takashi Miike. The movie is a unique fusion of the Western genre and Japanese culture, with its title referencing both the popular Japanese dish “sukiyaki” and the iconic Western film “Django.”
The story is set in a fictional version of the American Old West, where two rival gangs, the Heike and the Genji, are vying for control of a remote town. A mysterious gunman named the “Django” (played by Hideaki Ito) arrives in town, caught in the midst of the conflict. As the tension escalates, the Django must navigate the treacherous landscape and decide which side to align himself with.
Release Date | 31 August 2007 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 2h 1m |