“Miracle in Cell No. 7” (Korean: “7번방의 선물”) is a 2013 South Korean comedy-drama film directed by Lee Hwan-kyung. The movie is known for its heartwarming and emotional story centered around the bond between a father and his daughter.
The story follows Yong-gu (played by Ryu Seung-ryong), a mentally challenged man who is wrongfully accused of a crime and sentenced to death. In prison, he forms a close friendship with his fellow inmates in Cell No. 7. When his young daughter Ye-seung (played by Kal So-won) visits him, the inmates rally together to help create a series of imaginative scenarios that allow them to share moments of joy and happiness with her.
Release Date | 23 January 2013 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 2h 7m |