In “The Moon,” the narrative interweaves the lives of two individuals, one stranded in space following a tragic mishap, and the other on Earth grappling to orchestrate a rescue. A compelling exploration ensues, charting the space journey of an astronaut who confronts isolation and the ominous expanse of the cosmos. Simultaneously, a parallel storyline evolves, focusing on the arduous and determined efforts by a man on Earth to effectuate the safe return of the stranded astronaut. Director Yong-hwa Kim navigates through the intense emotional and physical struggles faced in the inhospitable domain of space and the ceaseless endeavor to bring a lone traveler back home. The film encapsulates a saga of survival, human resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of hope against astronomical odds.
Release Date | 2 August 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 2h 9m |
The Moon (2023) Subtitles