This show is set in Baltimore and revolves around the city’s inner-city drug scene. D’Angelo Barksdale, a mid-level drug dealer, defeats a murder charge. Det. James McNulty has been assigned to lead a joint murder and narcotics team in order to apprehend drug lord Avon Barksdale after speaking with a judge. Avon Barksdale, aided by Stringer Bell, enforcer Wee-Bey, and a slew of lieutenants, must contend with law enforcement, informants inside his own camp, and rivalry from a local competitor, Omar, who has been robbing Barksdale’s dealers and reselling the drugs. Lt. Cedric Daniels, the investigation’s boss, has his own issues to contend with, including a crooked bureaucracy, some of his detectives abusing suspects, hard-headed but committed Det. McNulty, and a blackmailing deputy. From junkies to traffickers, police to politicians, the show shows the lives of those involved in the opioid “food chain.”
Language | English |
Season | S01-S05 |
File type | SRT (zip file) |