“Confessions” is a 2010 Japanese psychological thriller film Directed by Tetsuya Nakashima. The movie is based on the novel “Kokuhaku” by Kanae Minato. The film stars Takako Matsu, Masaki Okada, and Yoshino Kimura in the lead roles.
The story revolves around a middle school teacher, Yuko Moriguchi, who seeks revenge for the murder of her young daughter, Manami. Moriguchi believes two of her students are responsible for the heinous crime but decides not to involve the authorities. Instead, she cunningly plots her revenge through a public confession during her farewell speech as a teacher.
As the story unfolds, the film delves into the dark secrets and disturbing motivations of various characters, including the students and their families. Each revelation adds layers of complexity to the narrative, and the truth becomes increasingly elusive.
Release Date | 05 June, 2010 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Running Time | 1h 46m |