“Good Night World” features Daisuke Hirose, Nobunaga Shimazaki, and Akio Ôtsuka. The series portrays a unique narrative where four despondent individuals, each from a dysfunctional household, unknowingly unite within an immersive virtual reality (VR) game. Despite their unawareness in the physical world, they form an unexpected and harmonious family unit within the virtual realm. This storyline seems to explore the concept of finding solace and belonging in unexpected places, as these disparate and unhappy individuals create a sense of happiness and camaraderie within the simulated world, showcasing the power of connection and unity amidst personal struggles.
Release Date | October 12, 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Episodes | 12 Episodes |
Good Night World (2023) Subtitles