Director: Bob Peterson
In the heartwarming animated short “Carl’s Date,” directed by Bob Peterson, the beloved character Carl Fredricksen reluctantly finds himself venturing into the world of dating at the encouragement of a lady friend. However, Carl, being unfamiliar with the nuances of modern dating, faces pre-date jitters and uncertainties. In a delightful turn, Dug, the ever-helpful and lovable dog, steps in to lend his support and calm Carl’s nerves. Under Bob Peterson’s direction, the short promises to deliver humor, charm, and the enduring spirit of friendship. “Carl’s Date” invites audiences to share in the joy and laughter of this endearing animated encounter.
Release Date | 16 June 2023 |
Language | English |
File Type | SRT (Zip File) |
Duration | 9m |
Carl’s Date (2023) Subtitles