Soft Liquid Center (2023) English Subtitle Download

“Soft Liquid Center,” co-directed by Zachary Gutierrez, Steph Holmbo, and Joseph Kolean, unfolds as a chilling tale of psychological horror. Following a recently single woman who embraces her newfound independence by moving out on her own, the narrative takes a sinister turn as her sanctuary transforms into a nightmarish realm of inexplicable horrors. As alarming events unfold with increasing intensity, the woman finds herself trapped in a house of horrors, grappling with forces beyond her comprehension. Gutierrez, Holmbo, and Kolean expertly craft a suspenseful and atmospheric film that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, blending psychological tension with supernatural elements to deliver a truly terrifying experience. “Soft Liquid Center” promises to haunt viewers long after the credits roll, leaving them questioning the boundaries of reality and the depths of human fear.

Release DateApril 21 2023
File TypeSRT (Zip File)
Duration1h 22m

Soft Liquid Center (2023) Subtitles