Accidental Truth: UFO Revelations (2023) English Subtitle Download

Director: Ron James

In “Accidental Truth: UFO Revelations,” directed by Ron James, the veil of secrecy surrounding the UFO question is shattered as officials duty-bound to conceal the truth grapple with the reality they can no longer contain. This documentary explores a world where those in authority openly acknowledge possessing knowledge they are unable to divulge. Ron James navigates the complexities of this revelation, unraveling the enigma of advanced intelligence engaging with humanity. “Accidental Truth: UFO Revelations” promises to be a compelling exploration of the intersection between hidden knowledge, government disclosure, and the undeniable presence of extraterrestrial intelligence in the human experience.

Release DateApril 18 2023
File TypeSRT (Zip File)
Duration1h 50m

Accidental Truth: UFO Revelations (2023) Subtitles