Physical is a half-hour dark comedy set in the picturesque but fragile beach paradise of sunny 1980s San Diego. It follows Sheila Rubin, a quietly disturbed, outwardly devoted housewife who supports her smart but controversial husband’s bid for state assembly. She’s also battling a complex series of emotional problems linked to her self-image until she finds solace in the most unlikely of places: the aerobics world. Sheila’s true path to empowerment begins when she discovers a way to combine her newfound passion with the rising technology of VHS to launch a breakthrough company. The series follows Sheila’s transformation from a suffocated, underappreciated enabler to a powerful, self-assured economic force, as she evolves into someone we take for granted today but who was revolutionary at the time: the female lifestyle guru.
Release time | June 18, 2021 –present |
Language | English |
Running time | 27–34 minutes |
File type | SRT(Zip file) |