A Place to Fight For (2023) English Subtitle Download

In “A Place to Fight For,” directed by Romain Cogitore, the plot revolves around Greg, an undercover officer with the DGSI, who encounters Myriam, an environmental activist, at a ZAD (Zone to Defend), leading to a blossoming love. The story takes an intriguing turn when, 18 months later, Greg returns to the ZAD on an official mission, only to discover that Myriam has had a child during his absence. Caught between his professional obligations and the complexities of a newfound romance, Greg faces a challenging decision that has the potential to alter the course of his life. Cogitore’s direction promises a compelling exploration of love, duty, and the consequences of choices made in the midst of conflicting loyalties.

Release Date 8 June 2023
File TypeSRT (Zip File)
Duration1h 43m

A Place to Fight For (2023) Subtitles